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Fashion and Dance


This is


re dance theater – reShow is a story about our society, spirituality and paths of enlightenment. Through three acts the protagonists find themselves in different ways and in individual experiences – to bond with everything, with harmony and happiness.

re.show website


this is

dance theatre

Over three acts the appearance of the dancers transform – as well as their costumes.

final costumes


Idea: Andreas Waldenmaier
Concept & Artistic Direction:
Sanja Ristic &
Andreas Waldenmaier
Production: kontrastmoment GmbH
Creative Direction: Sanja Ristic
Stage Direction & Choreography: Sanja Ristic
Co-Choreography: Jorge Garcia Perez
Costumes: Layla Mueller
Makeup: Elena Reischl Make-up Artist & Hair Stylist
Hair: Eva Förster
Music & Score: Alexander Naevecke
Violin with and by: Mariana Beleaeva
dancers : Marie Bourjala, Chiung-Yao Chiu, Paulo Albert, Max Cake Levy, Dario Rigaglia, Kristina Shiderova,Alexander Stavropoulos

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